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Thursday, June 16, 2011

BBA Challenge: Pain de Campagne

This week I made Pain de Campagne. I made the pate fermentee a few days ago. I left it in my refridgerator to proof. I brought it out and let it come to room temperature and cut it into 10 pieces. I then added it to the other ingredients in the mixing bowl. I mixed it together and did much hand kneeding also and let it proof in an oiled bowl.

I cut the dough into 3 pieces and decided to do the tradtion bread form called Fendu which means split bread.

I formed a baguette

I put a dowel into the dough

I floured the inside of the cut and repeated the process one more time.

I flipped the bread over to proof. I put it on floured parchment paper.

Once the bread proofed I flipped it back over and baked it on a stone.

The flavor was OK but was not as wow as when we did the French Bread. Thank you Chris from for hosting our challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Your loaves look great, we really enjoyed the flavor of this bread, but then again I have never met a homemade bread I didn't like. Nice shaping too! My fendu became a baguette with a slight crease.
